2018 Trends that Will Have Followers Returning the Love on Social Media

social media marketing trends
Engagement on social media has always been important to digital marketers, but this year the bar will continue to rise as companies compete for love and attention from consumers. Forbes cited that Facebook is now being used by nearly one-third of the planet and that companies today are spending more ad dollars on social media than TV. If you want ad budgets to go further and receive more engagement from your followers, here are the trends to utilize on social media in 2018.

  1. Relatable/Useful. Creating content that is relatable/useful to your target audiences will continue to be an overarching best practice in 2018. Followers are savvier than ever and will be quick to disengage or unfollow if your content is mostly promotional or self-serving. Social media outreach should always be created with the user in mind, content should be useful and delivered in a voice that followers respond well to. Consider what content you engage with on social media and strive to replicate that authenticity.
  2. Channel Takeovers. In 2017, we saw celebrities taking over social channels in the midst of award shows or to promote their latest partnership. This trend is the perfect way to create relatable/authentic content for your followers, better yet you don’t need the newest movie star to make this trend effective for your brand. Consider having various departments in your company take over your Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat for the week, providing followers an insider look into the production or process of your company. Put your best face forward with an employee who enjoys the spotlight and have them go live during the company potluck or holiday party.
  3. Social for Storytelling. Instagram and Snapchat stories will continue to gain popularity as an instant way to interact with followers. Have a new product you’re looking to launch? Create hype around the release date by using stories to give sneak peaks or quick product details. Stories can also be used to ramp up the way you share testimonials or small wins. Share a short clip that shows off a great customer experience or have an employee tell their favorite story about company culture. What better way to relate to followers than through authentic storytelling using a platform that is informal and fun.
  4. Influencers and Brand Partners. Influencers will continue to be, well, influential on social media. Influencer marketing and brand partnerships are a cost-effective approach to gaining more quality followers. Influencers can be especially effective if your brand voice is highly professional and you’re trying to tap into a younger audience or if you’re trying to establish thought leadership in a new market.
  5. Engage in the Conversation. The perfect way to waste time and ad dollars is to create a post and let the conversation continue on without you. If followers are taking the time to like or comment on your post, it’s absolutely essential to keep them engaged by responding. Own your channels by answering consumer questions that pop up on social media and anytime consumers share some praise be sure to show them it’s appreciated.
  6. Share the Love. Every industry and market has companies who are publishing useful content on social media. Don’t be timid to share content produced by other companies if you think it will be useful or relatable to your audience. Also, sharing industry articles is a great way to keep followers engage when your budget needs a breather.

Social media is a great way to reach audiences and a platform that is constantly evolving. Need a push in the right direction for launching these trends on your social media channels in 2018?  Get in touch with the Sweeney digital team and start feeling the love  your followers.