Greenbuild 2013: Show Floor Day 1

We kicked off our tour of the Greenbuild 2013 show today and the expo hall was buzzing – and bumping very loud club music at 9 a.m. It’s always fun to wake up to Biggie in the morning.

As an agency that works to support brands in the building and construction industry, Greenbuild is one of the key shows for us to attend. While we had some client and media meetings, we also walked around the show floor to check out the latest and greatest products in the industry – and the tradeshow marketing efforts of brands.

Some fun promotions:

photo[1]EMerge Alliance was getting groooovayyy baby! The organization who promotes the adoption of safe DC power distribution in commercial buildings had Austin Powers perform throughout the day. The skit involved Austin calling Dr. Evil, who transformed into “DC Powers”! The skits made some noise and the booth was full with spectators – and people who wanted their picture taken (that’s me and Jennifer to the left).

photo[2]Several booths had free books & book signings with David Gottfried, the father of the Green movement! His new book Explosion Green tells the story of the global green building movement through his eyes, as the building industry came to grips with the need for environmentally friendly practices. Looking forward to reading it!


And the winner of the coolest silly tradeshow toy is… Meti Span! They were walking around the show with these pop toys and when people asked what they were, they would receive their own pop toy, and were asked to visit the booth. Watch the vid… but don’t judge my catching skills.


Looking forward to seeing some more new products tomorrow – and some other tradeshow promotions!